How To Approach IoMT Security and Risk Management
When it comes to the step-by-step IoMT security vulnerability management process of identifying, classifying, prioritizing, remediating, and mitigating issues, IoMT security brings more significant obstacles across each stage.
Whereas industrial or commercial implementations often utilize many of the same IoT sensors or devices across their environment, a typical IoMT environment includes a much more vast, heterogeneous mix of technologies (a mix that almost always includes legacy solutions).
Simply scanning devices to identify issues is not an option. Many legacy IoMT devices cannot tolerate a scan and will crash. Classification and prioritization are also more challenging because IoMT device manufacturers publish an average of 2000-3000 vulnerabilities monthly. A good manufacturer patches only about 1 in 50 of their vulnerabilities […]
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Find out how our innovative risk remediation platform can help keep your organization’s resources safe, users protected, and IoT and IoMT assets secure.