16 Telling Metrics Tech Leaders Track To Stay Informed And Engaged

Members of Forbes Technology Council discuss telling metrics tech leaders can track to stay informed and engaged. PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS. NOT PICTURED: MUSTAFA AZIZI
When it comes to staying in the know about how their work is progressing and making an impact, CIOs and CTOs need to keep a foot in two camps. They not only need to understand how their own team is doing in such areas as managing costs and meeting customer expectations but also how their team’s work is advancing and supporting overall business operations and goals.
For a tech leader, painting a well-rounded picture of “how we’re doing” can be a complex process. Tapping into the experience of seasoned pros in their industry can help tech leaders identify the specific metrics that can help keep them on track. Here, 16 members of Forbes Technology Council share business metrics that should be of particular focus and concern to a CIO or CTO […]
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