Prevent Attacks Against Misconfigured Devices

Asimily captures known good states for any IoT, OT, and IoMT if it ever drifts from a secure state. Get notifications, alerts, comparisons, and reports.

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Configuration Control animated gif
Medical monitor in a hospital

Reduce Device Cyber Risk

Control Panel for Physical process

Set It and Never Forget It

Every IoT, OT, and IoMT has an intended, correct configuration. Store it, get alerts on important deviations, and avoid risky configuration drift.

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Receive Only Important Drift Alerts

Only Get Alerts on Important Changes

Reduce Risk from Misconfigurations

When IoT, OT, and IoMT are misconfigured, attackers can notice and take advantage. Reduce your exposure time by detecting and quickly restoring devices to the state you want them in.

Person at keyboard evaluating risk, and how to reduce it.

Spot Deviations

When a device drifts from your snapshotted, preferred configuration… you’ll know. And you’ll know just what it should be, keeping your defenses from regressing.

Spotting deviations on a computer screen with colored boxes on it.

Prioritize Snapshot Factors

Not one size fits all so Asimily lets you assign High / Medium / Low (or None) to IoT, OT, and IoMT configuration categories to prevent Alert storms. For example, IP address changes may be Low priority but firmware version changes would be High.

3 snapshots of IoT, OT, and IoMT in Polaroid-style frames.

Reduce Vulnerabilities 10x Faster with Half the Resources

Find out how our innovative risk remediation platform can help keep your organization’s resources safe, users protected, and IoT and IoMT assets secure.

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Protecting Your Industry’s Unique Devices


Asimily provides the necessary tools to identify and address IoT vulnerabilities in healthcare, ensuring the protection of patient data without interrupting the delivery of critical care.

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In an industry that relies heavily on IoT devices to drive automation, efficiency, and connectivity, Asimly can help. By ensuring the security of IoT devices, manufacturers can safeguard their intellectual property, prevent production disruptions, and maintain the trust of their customers and partners.

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Higher Education

Educational institutions depend on interconnected devices to facilitate learning, research, and campus operations. Protect sensitive student and faculty data, maintain operational integrity, and foster a secure, productive academic environment with Asimily.

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Asimily equips government entities worldwide with the necessary tools to secure their IoT devices, protect critical infrastructure, and ensure data privacy. Defend against cyber threats and uphold public trust by proactively mitigating vulnerabilities.

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Life Sciences

Where delicate research, development, and data exchange are ongoing, securing your IoT devices is a top priority. Proactively manage and mitigate vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of theft or loss of critical research and development efforts.

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Frequently asked questions

Even well-intentioned users with access to configurations can make changes that reduce cybersecurity. These can be accidental, due to lack of context, or intentional by criminals.

Most configuration changes are by authorized users, such as operational staff or device manufacturers. Some of these can be remote, but manual changes requiring physical access are also possible

Often, they are not detected. Most monitoring software is too dangerous for many IoT, OT, and IoMT due to the fragility of many devices. It requires a purpose-built approach that stores configurations and can check current configurations against them.

While every network device, server, VM, or container is pretty similar to others, every IoT, OT, and IoMT device is different. It has different metadata, configurations and expected behavior. It has been difficult to keep track of that variation in a single place, across multiple vendors’ products, impeding good recordkeeping.

Every time a configuration is in a known secure state, a new snapshot should be taken. That could be frequent or infrequent, depending on manufacturer updates, new security vulnerabilities discovered, or even regulatory and compliance changes.