Transportation and Logistics Companies can Secure their Devices
IoT Security for Transportation and Logistics
The devices that keep the world in motion are critical to the world’s infrastructure. You can stop cybercriminals attacking your equipment – legacy or not – with Asimily’s risk reduction platform.
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In the US alone, people travel about 5 trillion miles a year. As the Transportation and Logistics sectors strive to make those trips more pleasant and sustainable, physical and cyber safety concerns remain. Successful attacks against shippers, pipelines and automakers encourage more of the same from adversaries. Protecting every device along the entire supply chain helps ensure security for every part of the journey.
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Keep Precious Cargo Safe
Security That Stays on the Move
Both legacy and modern systems are essential to Transportation and Logistics companies, and so is protecting them. These less scrutinized systems can have security vulnerabilities that take time to be discovered, while manufacturer patch times can lengthen. Asimily focuses on adding outboard security to essential systems that keep products and people moving. Here’s how:
Comprehensive Visibility
When stopping people or cargo is not an option, security has to be non-stop. Asimily safely discovers what’s on your network. It then adds data enrichment and constant monitoring. Single- or multi-site inventories of a wide range of devices appears rapidly.
Prioritize with Precision
Focus on vulnerabilities that put your equipment at the highest risk. Our platform incorporates Asimily-unique Impact and Likelihood analyses, allowing you to efficiently use your security resources and knowledge where they are needed most.
Targeted Protection
Asimily empowers the Transportation and Logistics sectors to focus on the distributed devices that power their services. This lets problems get handled quickly, avoiding bigger delays.
Continuous Monitoring
Staying out of attacker crosshairs is impossible, but their attacks can be made more difficult. With Asimily, vulnerabilities and anomalies on modern and legacy equipment are monitored 24/7, keeping your timetables accurate.
Elevate Transportation and Logistics IoT Security with Asimily
Security Without Compromise
Your brand reputation depends on timeliness and avoiding delays. When threats are kept out, everything stays on time and business can grow. Asimily IoT security solutions help you ensure that outside attackers don’t affect your operations.

Compliance Without Gaps
Keeping up with evolving industry regulations is easier with Asimily. Our software demonstrates organizational readiness and active use with timestamps for handling both vulnerabilities and threats, suitable for a broad range of regulations.

Spend Time Where it Matters
Asimily empowers vulnerability management teams to tackle the riskiest issues first. Instead of just giving you a list of vulnerabilities to fix, Asimily combines that information with unique Impact and Likelihood analyses to get a risk-ranked set of devices whose vulnerabilities can be mitigated.

Optimized for Resource Efficiency
Our platform can identify security fixes that can delay operations. It offers fixes are often simple and quick, putting time back in the lives of your busy operations, drivers, pilots and more.

Reduce Vulnerabilities 10x Faster with Half the Resources
Find out how our innovative risk remediation platform can help keep your organization’s resources safe, users protected, and IoT and IoMT assets secure.