DORA Compliance

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is an EU regulation introduced by the European Council to establish technical standards across financial institutions and ICT service providers to strengthen their cybersecurity and operational resilience.

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DORA Compliance and Asimily

Ensure DORA Compliance

What are the DORA Compliance Requirements?

At the core of DORA is the ambition to achieve a high-level of digital operational resilience for regulated financial entities. This term encapsulates a financial entity’s capability to uphold its operational integrity and reliability amidst disruptions. DORA mandates financial entities to transcend beyond mere defense mechanisms, advocating for a robust resilience framework that ensures the continuity and quality of financial services, even in the face of cyber disruptions.

Risk Management

At the core of DORA’s requirements is the establishment of a robust ICT risk management framework. This framework should be comprehensive, well-documented, and integrated into the overall risk management system of the financial entity.

Incident Reporting

There is a mandatory obligation to report major ICT-related incidents to competent authorities. This also extends to the voluntary reporting of significant cyber threats.

Third-Party Risk Management

Measures must be in place for managing risks associated with ICT third-party service providers.

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How Asimily Supports DORA Compliance

Asimily adopts a risk-oriented approach to vulnerability management, empowering customers with the ability to determine how likely it is for a threat actor to exploit a given vulnerability. This informs risk-based prioritization and streamlines resolving business-critical weaknesses in your IoT devices.


In an extensive landscape of interconnected devices, knowing where to focus your attention is crucial. Asimily’s unique Impact, Likelihood and Utilization analyses show which vulnerabilities attackers will take advantage of in your environment. Allocate your resources to the riskiest devices first to promptly address vulnerabilities.


Asimily empowers you to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and others who benefit from taking down high-profile targets. With cutting-edge threat detection systems, we provide real-time visibility into your IoT device fleet, enabling rapid response to emerging threats.


DORA comes with reporting requirements. Reports can be custom generated and vary from executive summaries to technical reports than can be used with confidence by any auditor or GRC team. It also covers third-party risk, so if you are a third-party or managing them, Asimily reporting can assist and help with demonstrating IT, IoT, and OT have no weakest links for attackers.

Integrating IoT Device Security into DORA Compliance

With Asimily, organizations can incorporate their IoT devices into their security program to improve monitoring and accelerate DORA compliance.

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Integrating IoT Device Security into DORA Compliance

Cybersecurity Compliance

Stay compliant and avoid data breaches by implementing cybersecurity compliance framework alignment and safeguards.

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How Asimily Enables Cybersecurity Compliance

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