Centralize the details needed to protect your connected IoT

IoT Device Detail Enrichment

Understand each IoT device’s numerous metadata and capabilities. Have them at your fingertips when they’re needed to address a zero day or other incident. Make efficient changes to regularly eliminate easy entry points for attackers.

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IoT Device Detail Enrichment | Asimily

Organized, Updated and Usable

Enjoy an Automatically
Updated IoT Device Inventory

Software Components

Any IoT device can have underlying components with vulnerabilities. When a vulnerability emerges, immediately know which devices have it to take corrective action.

Version Control

Device sprawl can result in a patchwork of safe and unsafe IoT. Avoid this by having a detailed catalog of what is risky and what is needed to make organization-wide improvements.

Device-specific details

A single device can have hundreds of cybersecurity-relevant metadata fields. Capture as much as you can, to demonstrate compliance, and be ready for whatever comes next.

IoT Device Security in 2024:
The High Cost of Doing Nothing

Protecting the growing IoT architecture
in a complicated security environment

Listen, Analyze, Defend

Asimily’s Approach to Device Data Enrichment

Our customers’ IoT/ OT device inventories can be the document of record for administration, finance, aiding compliance and reducing operational headaches. Asimily’s own data plus integrations combine to give a continually updated, data-rich view of devices, what’s on them, and how they are connected.


Multiple techniques help generate an accurate device inventory, especially passive network monitoring. IoT/ OT devices can fail when actively scanned, even using manufacturer APIs. Asimily relies on the safest techniques to maximize uptime.


With safely obtained data, the devices’ software components, services, OS versions, applications and more can be added to enrich your device record.


This rich data can be the difference between success and failure for your defenses, the ability to efficiently update vulnerable IoT, or trigger a policy rule that thwarts an exploit before it is used against you.

Data Enrichment: The Key to Minimizing IoT/OT Risk

Discover how to use data enrichment to update IoT/OT device records with contextual information to understand, maintain, and protect them from cyber threats.

Learn Why
Data Enrichment: The Key to Minimizing IoT/OT Risk

Integrations to Drive Deeper Efficiencies

Integrating your IoT security solutions into a cohesive whole that communicates across multiple dimensions is absolutely crucial for holistic security. IT and security teams should be able to access data across multiple solutions and dimensions for risk analysis, incident response, security triage, and more. Explore the most common security solution integrations and their benefits.

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Asimily Integrations to Drive Deeper Efficiencies

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