MemorialCare Achieves World-Class, Top Percentile Medical Device Security Benchmarked to Peers
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MemorialCare Achieves World-Class, Top Percentile
Medical Device Security Benchmarked to Peers

Case Study
“Using the Asimily Risk Management platform, we gained full visibility into connected IoT & IoMT devices and their associated vulnerabilities. Our security program achieved 98% NIST compliance while the average of 60 similar HDOs is 71%.”
Kevin Torres, VP of IT/CISO, MemorialCare
& Physicians
Long Beach, California
MemorialCare is a leading nonprofit health system in Los
Angeles and Orange Counties comprised of four hospitals:
Long Beach Medical Center, Miller Children’s & Women’s,
Orange Coast Medical Center and Saddleback Medical
Center. Serving over 1.7M patients a year, the health
system also includes MemorialCare Medical Group, Greater Newport Physicians, eight outpatient surgical centers, and 19 imaging centers.

Like many healthcare organizations, MemorialCare sought to improve patient care by adding and safely operating advanced medical devices. As early as 2003, Hospital & Health Networks annual Health Care’s Most Wired Survey, an industry-standard benchmark study ranked several of its
hospitals as some of the “
most wired hospitals”.

MemorialCare’s commitment to patient care meant that it had to effectively secure connected medical and IoT devices. However, while it outsourced Health Technology Management to a Clinical Engineering third party, it
lacked visibility into the number of connected devices, accurate classification, and associated security risks.

Senior leadership developed a strategic vision that incorporated an Enterprise Risk Management Board committee. As part of achieving these objectives, the CISO provided quarterly reports to the committee, including risk assessments.

As part of this assessment, MemorialCare identified a gap in reporting on the security of it’s biomedical fleet of equipment and devices. IT Security began taking proactive steps to incorporate these devices into its continuous security monitoring program while leaving the daily operations with the outsourced clinical engineering team.

It lacked visibility into connected medical and IoT devices and their associated vulnerabilities.
Project Goals
Safely gain full visibility into connected medical and IoT
device inventory.

MemorialCare conducted a baseline risk assessment for and identified the following IoMT security challenges:

They were missing a proper Risk Stratification and
Remediation Strategy.
Medical device inventory was maintained by their clinical engineering in a reactive manner.
They needed a way to manage prioritized remediation efforts with their outsourced Clinical Engineering team.
Provide creative, well-researched, and time-efficient ways to mitigate vulnerabilities.


Identify exploitable vulnerabilities per device
Detect and capture anomalies and threats for automated
Incident Response.
Drive the development of a holistic, ongoing security
program with deep expertise.
Create benchmark reports that apply to each healthcare entity to communicate risk reduction and NIST coverage to the board.
Reduce medical device cybersecurity risk.
“It is critical to first create organizational cybersecurity policies to automate security efforts because manual intervention potentially compromises the integrity of that data.”
Robert Segovia, Manager, Cybersecurity Operations, MemorialCare
Solution & Milestones
MemorialCare deployed Asmily Insight with three Edgeprocessors to detect connected devices and gather key information on IT parameters including, IP address, MAC address, port numbers, applications, hostname, operating
system and version numbers. Asimily’s patented advanced Vulnerability Management quickly identified exploitable vulnerabilities. MemorialCare then built organizational policies to detect analogies and suspicious activity on the network.
Full visibility and classification of connected medical and shadow IoT devices.
Reduced vulnerability alert noise with real-world vulnerability prioritization.
Streamlined and faster remediation with their outsourced Clinical Engineering team using clinically-validated recommendations to the top 2% of real-world vulnerabilities.
Tailored organizational security policies to protect vulnerable devices from any unwanted and or suspicious behavior.
Threat detection of anomalous and suspicious device communications and automated Incident Response.
Integration with McAfee SIEM for anomalous event alerts and CMMS for asset reconciliation and automated work orders.
Devices containing vulnerabilities
Risk trends related to them


Lacking necessary IoMT visibility, IT Security continually felt as though they were always behind and reactive instead of proactive. MemorialCare began research into solution vendors to expedite a security program specifically designed for medical devices consistent with existing network security processes and procedures.
MemorialCare went into its search with two primary goals. First, it needed a passive-scanning tool that could safely identify and classify all biomedical devices and shadow IoT connected to the environment without affecting patient care. Second, they needed a solution to provide actionable ways to reduce cybersecurity risks for their outsourced clinical engineering team. They needed a provider with deep expertise to develop and guide a holistic and effective ongoing security program.
For senior leadership and the board of directors, the MemorialCare team uses Asimily’s data to build a report that communicates their risk and compares it with industry peers that provide visibility into:
"As a growing healthcare organization acquiring clinics or offering new services like ambulatory clinics, you have to stay in front of the risk. You need to make sure that you’re effectively onboarding these environments and matching their security posture to yours.”

Kevin Torres, VP of IT/CISO, MemorialCare

“What separates Asimily from other vendors is their passionate people who
are experts at delivering cybersecurity solutions and services. Asimily’s
people make the biggest difference.”

Kevin Torres, VP of IT/CISO, MemorialCare

MemorialCare consulted their third-party clinical engineering team and performed pilots with four potential providers. While many solutions offered similar technology on the surface, MemorialCare found Asimily was superior in uncovering efficient solutions that reduced risk, providing accurate inventory, and delivering insightful reports for the Clinical Engineering and other teams. 

Additionally, MemorialCare selected Asimily for its ability to:

MemorialCare uses Asimily for:

Risk impact when adding new devices to the environment
Coverage compared to peers
Security spend compared to peers
By incorporating biomedical device coverage into it monitoring and reporting, MemorialCare gained holistic visibility into its connected ecosystem, enabling them to document that they are at 98% coverage for medical devices compared to the peer average of 56%.
Free up Clinical Engineering team time with clearly prioritized remediation and mitigation recommendations.